Average Time Spent On TikTok Statistics and Facts (2025)

Maitrayee Dey
Written by
Maitrayee Dey

Updated · Jan 20, 2025

Aruna Madrekar
Edited by
Aruna Madrekar


Average Time Spent On TikTok Statistics and Facts (2025)


Average Time Spent On TikTok Statistics: In no time, TikTok has become such an indomitable power in the social media arena with its engagingly compelling short-format video content, serving all users around the globe.

This article is all about how the average time spent on TikTok statistics by user engagement metrics would be so dramatically unlike any other, thus denoting great assimilation into everyday life.

Editor’s Choice

  • According to average time spent on TikTok statistics, 45.2% of TikTok’s global users are women, while 54.8% will be men by July 2024.
  • In the last quarter of 2023, TikTok registered around 232 million downloads globally.
  • In Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Malaysia, TikTok usage among the population aged 18 years and above is over 120% in 2024.
  • Average time spent on TikTok statistics shows that as of October 2023, more than 1.2 billion users are active on TikTok in a month, with the largest audience coming from the U.S.
  • As of February 2023, 32% of their time online is spent by U.S. users on TikTok.
  • In Q3 of 2023, TikTok had a revenue of US$681 million, with projections for that figure to rise to US$18.5 billion in worldwide ad revenue by 2024.
  • From 347.1 million in 2018, TikTok’s user base skyrocketed to 2.05 billion worldwide in 2024.
  • This resulted in a steady increase in the daily average time spent on the app, from 27 minutes in 2019 to 58 minutes by 2024.
  • Average time spent on TikTok statistics reveals that Social media consumption averages around 186 minutes every day by those aged 18 to 24, whereas it totals 102 minutes daily for those 65 and older.
  • As a result, spending on TikTok in 2023 would reach almost US$4 million, adding to the rising revenue collection for this platform.
  • Moreover, the ad collections of TikTok increased remarkably in 2022 when it reached US$4 billion and are expected to continue growing in the next years.
  • The videos appearing on TikTok tend to go viral quite quickly, reaching millions of users within a short period. This is one such factor that is enticing advertisers.
  • In 2021, when Netflix utilised influencers and challenges for promoting its materials, the number one brand on TikTok was Netflix.

Facts About TikTok

  • The social media world was changed forever by TikTok and its implementation of micro dance moves, commentaries by Gen Zs, and, as mentioned, the scope of popularity; it is aimed at trends like the shift from desk to mobile and the public demand for short videos.
  • Launched internationally in 2017, TikTok belongs to the ByteDance group, a technology company based in Beijing that also owns Douyin, Toutiao and CapCut.
  • By 2023, ByteDance had grown to become the top unicorn globally with a valuation of US$200 billion and posted a 40% increase in revenues at nearly US$30 billion in Q2 2023.
  • The new application TikTok is downloadable free of charge; it is easy for users to create, edit, and share videos-lasting short, adding filters and music trends to entertain mobile users who are well over 90% of the world’s digital population.
  • In April 2024, a U.S. bill mandated TikTok’s sale from ByteDance, citing data collection concerns and ties between ByteDance and the U.S. branch, with potential banning if not complied with.
  • ByteDance has experienced quite a stock of controversies, including a ban in 2020 in India and partial bans currently in 2023 on government devices, possibly in numerous locations like the European Parliament and the UK.
  • Average time spent on TikTok statistics shows that the loss of a market in the U.S., a nation that recorded 150 million TikTok users as of January 2024, would be quite catastrophic to ByteDance and amazingly disembowel in terms of business rivals such as YouTube and Instagram, with much smaller platforms such as Triller Inc stealing some thunder.

Average Daily Time Spent On TikTok

Year Average Daily Time Spent on TikTok Change Over the Previous Year
2019 27 minutes, 24 seconds
2020 38 minutes, 36 seconds ↑ 11 minutes, 12 seconds
2021 45 minutes, 18 seconds ↑ 6 minutes, 42 seconds
2022 52 minutes ↑ 6 minutes, 42 seconds
2023 55 minutes, 48 seconds ↑ 3 minutes, 48 seconds
2024 58 minutes, 24 seconds ↑ 3 minutes, 36 seconds

(Source: explodingtopics.com)

  • The data regarding average time spent on TikTok statistics indicate that it has been steadily increasing over the years in average daily time spent on TikTok, which can only demonstrate the popularity of this platform and its engagement among users.
  • Daily averages by the year 2024 are set at 58 minutes and 24 seconds, signifying a rise of another 3 minutes and 36 seconds.
  • The steady increase from one year to another shows that TikTok can retain their interests while encouraging them to spend more time, even while enlarging its user base around the world.
  • These figures show the stage of stealing major time from users’ daily lives. 2019 marks the year where the average daily time spent on the app was 27 minutes and 24 seconds by users.
  • This figure denoted a baseline since there was no historical data for comparison from any previous years.
  • By 2020, the average daily using a user jumped to 38 minutes and 36 seconds. This was the 11-minute, 12-second increase over 2019.
  • The sudden increase during 2020 then could be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic when almost everybody turned digital when consuming content.
  • Then, in 2021, the average daily usage exceeded that threshold by 45 minutes and 18 seconds, a 6-minute, 42-second gain from the previous year.
  • It has been clearly a continuing path of steady growth in 2022 as well, with members spending 52 minutes daily, up 6 minutes and 42 seconds from 2021.
  • The upward movement was shown for the year 2023 as well, when users, on average, spent 55 minutes and 48 seconds on the platform per day, the lowest uplift of 3 minutes and 48 seconds compared to the previous year.

Average Time Spent On Selected Socia Media By Age Group

Characteristic 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
TikTok 76 50 47 45 37 29
Instagram 53 37 28 27.00 26 20
Facebook 22 26 30 36.00 45 34
Snapchat 35 27 22 22 20 19
Total 186 140 127 130 128 102

(Source: statista.com)

  • The average spending time on social media platforms for young adults aged from 18 to 24 years in the US as of February 2024 was more than 186 minutes per day, while for adults aged 65 and older, the average pooled time usage was 102 minutes per day.
  • Like the rest, the youngsters, aged 18 to 24, considered TikTok the most entertaining and engrossing of all platforms in time spent on it.
  • Analogically, TikTok was the number one application among users aged 35 to 54 and was consumed between 45 and 50 minutes daily.
  • Among the targeted adults aged 55 to 65, community Facebook is nearly indulging itself on contributions of about 45 minutes.
  • This data regarding average time spent on TikTok statistics illustrates how different age groups tend to prefer varying social media and engage differently in it.

Most Watched TikTok Videos

Most Watched TikTok Video Worldwide As Of January 2025(Reference: statista.com)

  • Average time spent on TikTok statistics shows that as of January 2025, Zach King is said to be the holder of the record for the most viewed short video on TikTok, titled “Magic Ride,” watched more than 2.3 billion times.
  • The second-most-watched video on the platform belongs to makeup artist and influencer James Charles, whose Christmas video has been viewed 1.7 billion times.
  • In third place is yet another entry from Zach King, who made “Unexpected Hiding Spots,” with 1.1 billion views.
  • This shows the popularity that Knig enjoys on this platform, with two entries in the three most viewed.

TikTok Annual Spending By Users

TikTok Annual Consumer Spending Worldwide From 2016 To 2023(Reference: statista.com)

  • According to the average time spent on TikTok statistics, In the year 2023, approximately US$3.8 billion was added by TikTok in consumer spending to a grand total of more than US$6 billion in revenue collection since the platform launched in 2016.
  • This growing trend reflects the increased financial weight and user buy-in for TikTok.
  • An important highlight of 2021 for the platform came when it recorded its first-ever consumer spending surpassing US$1 billion within the same year.
  • That number almost doubled again in the subsequent year (2022), proving the way in which it has struck speed with convincing users to make in-app purchases.
  • And then, in 2023, the figure for consumer spending reached almost US$4 billion, showing impressive and steady growth every year.

TikTok Users Worldwide

How Many People Use TikTok?(Reference: demandsage.com)

  • With every passing year, the total number of TikTok users around the world has grown and grown: “From 347.1 million registered users in 2018, TikTok’s activity would peak dramatically in 2019 when it grew 88.3%, from 347.1 million to reach a whopping 653.5 million users.”
  • This trend extended into 2020, when the user group rose 58.6% to surpass the mark of 1 billion for the first time. It continued slowing down into 2021, with an annual growth rate of 35.8% to reach a total of 1.4 billion.
  • Another one in 2022 for 1.7 billion total user counts with an estimated increment of 22.2% on the platform.
  • In 2023 and 2024, these growth rates plummeted to 11.7% and 6.7%, respectively, and reached the figure of 2.05 billion users in 2024.
  • From 2025 to 2029, projections include numbers of users that would probably continue increasing, albeit at a slower rate.
  • By 2025, the count of users is expected to increase to 2.14 billion, which is a rise of 4.2% over the previous year.
  • Growth rates for the other years range from 2.2% to 2.9%, with the total number of registered users expected to reach 2.35 billion by 2029.

TikTok Marketing & Advertising Revenue Statistics

TikTok Advertising Revenue Worldwide From 2020 To 2027(Reference: statista.com)

  • TikTok earned about US$4 billion in revenue from advertising in 2022. According to analysts, that estimate could double by 2024, increasing nearly four times by 2026.
  • Advertisers are investing in an even greater number with the promise of reach and engagement because TikTok is the leading downloaded mobile app worldwide and reached almost everyone’s attention in 2021, particularly with the Gen Z audience.
  • Ad revenue levels are not yet great compared to Facebook, but TikTok becomes a more serious threat each year.
  • According to statistics, while U.S. revenues of TikTok stood at US$2.1 billion in 2021, that number now makes up around 1% of the country’s total digital ad spending, but its share is set to increase consistently.
  • Just for the record, TikTok offers advertisers such opportunities that are very much uncommon, even in a high-tech world like America, to reach the younger demographics that usually prefer not to be accessed by traditional means.
  • Videos on this platform can go viral overnight and, therefore, reach millions of users, something that can hardly be replicated by other social media.
  • In 2021, the most talked-about brand on TikTok was Netflix, with more than 4,500 influencers mentioning it.
  • The streaming giant has leveraged the platform by posting teasers, creating challenges, and partnering with creators to promote its products.

TikTok User Penetration In Selected Countries

TikTok Penetration In Selected Countries And Territories As Of July 2024(Reference: statista.com)

  • Average time spent on TikTok statistics indicates that the social app TikTok did its best in reaching audiences across the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in July 2024, where even more than 120% of individuals aged 18 and above are using the app.
  • This points to strong usage not only from the resident population but also from travelling and non-resident users.
  • Following that, there is Malaysia at a reach of 107.3%. In the USA, TikTok is quite popular, with close to 45% of the digital crowd in the country using it, which translates into over 120 million users.

TikTok Users By Gender

Distribution Of TikTok Users Worldwide As Of July 2024, By Gender(Reference: statista.com)

  • Average time spent on TikTok statistics reveals that in July 2024, women represented about 45.2% of TikTok’s global user base, with men occupying the remaining 54.8%.
  • The last quarter of 2023 alone brought in 232 million downloads globally for the platform.
  • The country’s reach continues to grow worldwide, with countries like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia boasting penetration rates of nearly 100% by the end of 2023.
  • With over 1.2 billion active monthly users as of October 2023, TikTok has recorded itself as the largest audience-served application worldwide, and in the United States, topping the biggest number of users.
  • As of February 2023, U.S. users spent about 32% of their online time on TikTok. TikTok has also considerably increased its revenues in recent years.
  • In the third quarter of 2023, the platform made around US$681 million from global users alone. TikTok’s global ad revenue is projected to be around US$18.5 billion in 2024.

Top TikTok Creators Worldwide

TikTok Creator User Name Followers
Khabane Lame @khaby.lame 162.7 million
Charli D’Amelio @charlidamelio 155.7 million
Jimmy Donaldson @mrbeast 105.4 million
Bella Poarch @bellapoarch 94.5 million
Addison Rae @addisonre 88.8 million
Kimberly Loaiza @kimberly.loaiza 82.4 million
Zach King @zachking 82.2 million
Dominik Lipa @domelipa 76.4 million
Will Smith @willsmith 74.9 million
The Rock @therock 74.9 million
Burak Özdemir @cznburak 74.8 million

(Source: demandsage.com)

  • Khabane Lame, the greatest TikTok creator, boasts 162.7 million followers. He is closely succeeded by Charli D’Amelio, who claims 155.7 million followers. This man has now gained 105.4 million followers, or rather, he is more popularly known as MrBeast.
  • Bella Poarch has the number of 94.5 million followers, while Addison Rae closely follows with 88.8 million fans.
  • Kim Loaiza has a total of 82.4 million fans, and Zach King, the magician, has 82.2 million fans. Dominik has 76.4 million followers.
  • Will Smith and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson had 74.9 million followers as well, whereas the final position belongs to Burak Özdemir, also known as CZN Burak, who rounds up the count with 74.8 million followers.


By 2025, the exponential growth in user engagement is going to show TikTok’s definite role in changing how people consume digital products.

Average time spent on TikTok statistics daily creates unique opportunities for content creators, marketers, and businesses to reach an engaged and affluent audience.


What is the average time spent on TikTok in 2024?

In 2024, according to the average daily time of 58 minutes and 24 seconds that one spends on TikTok, the average-consumed year’s duration in this regard is yet again an increment on an already-growing inclination from years past.

How has TikTok’s user base expanded over the years?

TikTok’s vertical expansion to its current actually-user standing of about 2.05 billion from previous figures of 347.1 million users in 2018 is speedily tapering off in terms of the rate at which it increases year-on-year, with projections that could still take it to 2.14 billion in 2025.

What are the most watched TikTok videos in 2024?

In January 2025, Zach King’s “Magic Ride” will remain the title holder for the most watched TikTok video, with over 2.3 billion views. Others that follow include James Charles’s Christmas video with 1.7 billion views and Zach King’s “Unexpected Hiding Spots” with 1.1 billion views.

How much local ad revenue does TikTok generate?

TikTok has generated ad revenue of about US$4 billion in the duration of 2022, while estimates place this figure on an upward trajectory of hitting US$18.5 billion by 2024. This revenue from advertisements is poised to grow very rapidly and establish a stronghold in the digital advertising arena ahead.

In which countries does TikTok have the highest rates of penetration?

As of July 2024, penetration in such countries over 120% of individuals aged more than 18 using the app from places found in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Malaysia. The above shows that the strong usage is among the native population, and also among tourists and non-residents.

Maitrayee Dey
Maitrayee Dey

Maitrayee Dey has a background in Electrical Engineering and has worked in various technical roles before transitioning to writing. Specializing in technology and Artificial Intelligence, she has served as an Academic Research Analyst and Freelance Writer, particularly focusing on education and healthcare in Australia. Maitrayee's lifelong passions for writing and painting led her to pursue a full-time writing career. She is also the creator of a cooking YouTube channel, where she shares her culinary adventures. At Smartphone Thoughts, Maitrayee brings her expertise in technology to provide in-depth smartphone reviews and app-related statistics, making complex topics easy to understand for all readers.

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